The Vital Way


The Vital Hub.

Imagine a place where innovative and immersive techniques and technologies come together to help disengaged young people reintegrate with their community.
That’s the VitalHub.

By focusing on emotional and social intelligence, The Vital Hub creates experiential learning that goes beyond clinical theory.

Preliminary University Research has reported 100% positive impacts in attitude & life choices after 6 weeks.


The creative idea and production focussed on the client’s core values of courage, confidence, and capability, showcasing The Vital Hub’s innovative, inclusive, and action-based learning tools that empower teenagers. Providing visual assets for their recent brand refresh, created by the client.

Through immersive video and photography, we highlighted the technology and interactive experiences and spaces at The Vital Hub.

Volunteer teens took part in a two-day shoot, exploring the technology and engaging with the Hub’s programs firsthand. This enabled us to capture authentic expressions – at times, pausing to direct expressions that would overemphasize their reactions, creating vibrant visuals.

Creative: The Vital Way + Jude Kalman

Director + Camera + Photography + Sound + Editor: Jude Kalman

Camera Assistant: Eliza Chambers.


20 x Hero photography images for website + print

1 x 1 min Explainer video – Target audience: Schools, General practitioners, Psychologists, Youth Workers.

1 x min Explainer video – Target audience: 13 – 18.

2 x reels no sound

Social media deliverables – landscape + portrait


The Vital Hub is located in Ipswich, Queensland.

The Vital Hub – Youth version